
Appetizer Snack

Asian Flavored BBQ Meatball with U.S. Fries

  • Ready Time: 25min
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  • Prep Time: 5min
    Cook Time: 20min
  • Cuisine: Asian
  • Serves: 4
    Prep Method: Fried
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  • 3 White Bread Rolls, dice into 5mm pieces
  • 100 ml Milk
  • 30 ml Cooking Oil
  • 20 g Chopped Garlic
  • 50 g Ginger, chopped
  • 50 g Lemongrass, chopped
  • 300 g U.S. Fries, defrosted
  • 400 g Minced U.S. Pork
  • 200 g Minced U.S. Beef Chunk
  • 3 Whole Eggs
  • 5 g Ground Black Pepper
  • 500 ml Bulgogi Sauce
  • Salt to taste
  • Breadcrumbs, as needed

Prep Time: 5min | Cook Time: 20min

  • Soak the diced bread rolls in milk until all the milk is absorbed.
  • Sauté the garlic, lemongrass and ginger in oil until fragrant, then set aside to cool.
  • Combine the pork and the beef in a blender on low speed.
  • Mix the bread rolls, eggs and sautéed garlic-lemon grass together, season with salt and pepper, and combine well. If the mixture is too moist, add bread crumbs.
  • Mix in the U.S. fries, making sure not to crush them too much. 
  • Roll the meatballs into a desired size.
  • Pan Fry or grill until done, and while grilling, coat the meat balls with Bulgogi sauce.


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