

U.S. Fries with Salted Egg Yolk

  • Ready Time: 10min
    No Reviews
  • Prep Time: 5min
    Cook Time: 5min
  • Serves: 2
    Prep Method: Fried
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  • U.S. Frozen Straight Cuts - 300g
  • Cooking Oil - 1ltr
  • Salted Egg Yolk - 6Pc
  • Milk Powder - 15g
  • Butter - 60g
  • Garlic - 30g
  • Chili Flakes - 30g
  • Red Chili - 20g
  • Curry Leaves - 10g

Prep Time: 5min | Cook Time: 5min

  • Heat the cooking oil to 180°C. Once the oil reaches the intended temperature, fry the U.S. Frozen Straight Cuts for 4 – 5 minutes until golden brown.
  • Bake the salted egg yolk at 150°C for 15 minutes then blend them until they turn into powder.
  • Mince the garlic and slice the red chilies. Prepare the curry leaves.
  • Melt the butter on low heat. Add garlic, red chili, and curry leaves to the butter. Once mixed, add the salted egg yolk, chili flakes, and milk powder. Season with salt. 
  • In a big bowl, combine the U.S. fries and the salted egg yolk then transfer them to the serving basket.
  • Enjoy!


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