

U.S. Potato Mousse

  • Ready Time: 25min
    No Reviews
  • Prep Time: 15min
    Cook Time: 10min
  • Serves: 2
    Prep Method: Boiled
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  • U.S. Dehydrated Potato Flakes - 300g
  • Butter - 25g
  • Onion, chopped - 1
  • Leeks, sliced - 100g
  • Vegetable Stock - 1 litre
  • Cream - 100ml
  • Garlic, fried - For garnish

Prep Time: 15min | Cook Time: 10min

  • In a large pan, melt the butter and sautée the leeks and onion, stirring constantly until they turn golden.
  • Add vegetable stock, season well, and bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 20 mins until the vegetables are soft. 
  • Add U.S. dehydrated potato flakes, stir well, cover the pan, then turn down the heat. Cook gently for 5 mins, shaking the pan often. Cool for a few mins, then blend in a food processor in batches until smooth. 
  • Return to the pan, pour in the cream and stir well. Taste and season as necessary. 
  • Garnish with fried garlic to serve.


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