
Side Dish

U.S Sidewinders with Bacon and Mozzarella Mornay

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  • 200 grams : Fried U.S Sidewinders
  • 100 grams : Butter
  • 100 grams : Bacon
  • 100 grams : All-purpose flour
  • 350 ml : Milk (full cream)
  • 100 grams : Mozzarella cheese
  • 50 grams : Sliced spring onions
  • 30 grams : Parmesan Cheese
  • To taste : salt and pepper


Instructions for the Mornay sauce
1. Heat the pan and mix in the butter and flour
2. When it thickens and becomes roux, add the milk and seasoning and boil until it
becomes a Béchamel White sauce
3. Add the cheese to the Béchamel White sauce for it to become a Mornay sauce
Instructions for serving
1. First deep fry the potatoes and place them on a plate
2. Add the Mornay sauce on the potatoes. On top of the Mornay sauce, sprinkle some
bacon, spring onions and some parmesan cheese
3. Roast in the oven at 180 C for 5 minutes
4. Serve once the potatoes in the oven become cheesy


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