Learn more about fingerling potato calories and nutritional value. We also provide links to our favorite fingerling potato recipes, including Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, Grilled Fingerling Potatoes and Carmelized Christmas Potatoes.
Appearance: 2-4 inches long; finger-shaped or oblong; red, orange, purple or white skin; red orange, purple, yellow or white flesh–sometimes streaked with veins of color
Texture: waxy, firm
Flavor: buttery; nutty; earthy; medium sugar content
Preferred uses: pan-frying, roasting, salads
Fingerling color and shape are a welcome visual addition to any dish. Pan-frying and roasting enhance their robust flavor and showcase their wonderful nutty or buttery tastes. Consider fingerlings as a change-of-pace foundation for a unique potato salad. Split fingerlings lengthwise and oven-roast to serve as a small-plate or side-dish alternative to fries, with a flavor dipping sauce, like spicy ketchup, romesco, or sriracha mayo. For more information, watch Potato Types and Tips: Fingerling Potatoes below.
One fingerling potato (approximately 5.2 ounces in size) has 110 calories and is an excellent source of potassium (more than a banana) and vitamin C. Fingerlings are also a good source of vitamin B6 and are fat, sodium and cholesterol free.
Check out fingerling potato recipes by clicking on the images below.
For more recipe ideas, please see our Fingerling Recipes.