
Appetizer Snack

U.S. Potato & Minced beef with Herb Sour Cream & Chives

  • Ready Time: 45min
    No Reviews
  • Prep Time: 15min
    Cook Time: 30min
  • Serves: 4
    Prep Method: Fried
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  • U.S. Frozen Sidewinders 500g
  • Ground beef 300g
  • Kidney bean 100g
  • Capsicum 50g
  • Tomato, concassed 100g
  • Paprika powder 1 tsp
  • Cumin powder 1 tsp
  • Onion 50g
  • Garlic 20g
  • Fresh thyme 15g
  • Olive oil 30g
  • Salt & pepper To taste

Herb sour cream

  • Cooking cream : 100g
  • Lemon juice & zest : 1
  • Parsley chopped : 10g
  • Coriander chopped : 10g
  • Salt & pepper : To taste

Prep Time: 15min | Cook Time: 30min


  • Prepare the vegetables. Dice up the onions. Cut the capsicum in half lengthways, remove the stalk, wash the seeds away, and chop. Peel and finely chop the garlic cloves.
  • Start cooking. Add 1tbsp of olive oil in a pan over a medium heat. Leave it for 1-2 minutes.
  • Add the onion and stir frequently for about 5 minutes. Cook until the onion is soft, and slightly translucent. Add in the garlic, red pepper, 1 tsp of paprika powder and 1 tsp of cumin powder. Stir well then leave it to cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Turn the heat up slightly, add the meat in the pan and break it up with your spoon or spatula. The mix should sizzle a bit when you add the mince.
  • Keep stirring for at least 5 minutes until all the meat is cooked. Make sure you keep the heat on high enough for the meat to fry and become brown.
  • Add the tomato concasse, beef stock, fresh thyme, and a good shake of salt and pepper. 
  • Simmer it gently. Bring it to a boil, give it a good stir, and put a lid on the pan. Turn down the heat until it is gently bubbling and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Add the boiled kidney beans and cook for another 10 minutes.

Preparation (Herb Sour Cream)

  • In a mixing bowl, add the cream and whisk it until it is whipped. Add the lemon juice and zest, chopped parsley, and coriander. Season with salt and pepper.

U.S. Frozen Sidewinders

  • Deep fry the U.S. Frozen Sidewinders in a fryer at 180°C until golden brown.

Assembly note: Scoop the cooked beef and place it on the deep fried U.S. sidewinders. Add sour cream on top of the beef and garnish with green onions.  



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